Raves for Life at Sea

“I just want to thank you for your performances yesterday. They were stellar, both fun and educational. I hope you enjoyed the day as much as the kids and volunteers did. So glad I got to meet you.”


“As always, you were engaging, utterly charming, warm, playful and extremely funny. The ease with which you kept an audience, ranging from preschool to fifth grade, completely focused for a full hour was quite impressive. The kids and their parents thoroughly enjoyed it, and I am proud to have had the chance to introduce some of our families to your magnificent voice and delightful personality, as well as the rich content of your program. Working with you is a joy, and I very much hope to be able to bring you back in years to come.

One of the things that made the program so good was that you were obviously having just as much fun as the audience was.”

Lynne Campbell
John Curtis Free Library

“Just to give you an impression of the impact you made today in the back rows of the cafeteria: First thing Vincent said after school was, ‘Great show, mom.’ Then he went to his computer, came again 15 minutes later and told me, ‘I found a Coffin house on Nantucket’ (don't ask me how he found it...) and off he went to do more research on the history of the whales. We always say that 'if you reach at least one child and make a difference, it was worth doing it!' Well, in our household you didn't only touch our child but also his parents! It seems you had a worthwhile day!!! ‘Thank you so much again for coming today to our school and sharing the Life at Sea!’”


“Children went home and raved about it to their parents, and teachers have been stopping me in the hallways to thank me for bringing in such a good performer.

I think the K and first grade teachers are accustomed to no one being able to hold their classrooms’ interest for longer than 40 minutes or so that they didn't notice that you actually did pull it off. I'm glad that I encouraged you to do a full hour.”


“Your program was a HUGE success. I knew the reviews were going to be positive when my daughter ran in the back door and said it was one of the best programs ever and my next-door-neighbor said, ‘I had so much fun I didn't realize I was learning so much!’ Written reviews from the teachers have been trickling in all week and everyone has given you the highest marks possible. Thank you for sharing your passion for music and history and your wonderful sense of humor with our teachers and students.”


“David Coffin is a musician, performer, and music-educator of remarkable ability and insight. As a maritime specialist and descendant of some of America's greatest seafaring families - the whaling Coffins of Nantucket - no one could be better suited to presenting the traditional songs and yarns of Yankee seafaring in the Age of Sail.”

Stuart M. Frank
New Bedford Whaling Museum