Pierre’s Bio
Born and reared in Come-By-Chance, Newfoundland, Pierre was the youngest of 23 very bored board children.

When showbiz calls…
He spent many hours in front of the mirror, much to his sisters’ dismay, styling his hair and trying to find different ways to arrange it. Success was not in the cards, so he abandoned any hopes of a modeling profession. Pierre’s school career was less than stellar. He spent most of third grade on the floor behind the principal’s desk for disrupting class. He couldn’t seem to sit still. He was even sent home from Kindergarten for kissing Lucy B. under the desk. His teacher pinned a naughtiness report to his collar and he couldn’t reach the note to remove it. His parents became concerned when they started to hear a constant toe-tapping sound coming from his room upstairs above the kitchen. They could tell he was bored stiff and worried that he might get himself into real trouble if something didn’t change, and soon.

Pierre putting on some physics-defying moves for a wide-eyed audience
Not too many people come by chance to Come-By-Chance (look on a map and see why). The small town didn’t have much to offer a precocious young figure like Pierre. So casting about for an opportunity to make something of himself, he immigrated to Gloucester, Massachusetts to study at the Haskell Street School of Dance with none other than dance-master David Coffin. With an abundance of talent, Pierre’s goal was to enter and win the popular television show, “So, You Really Wish You Could Dance.” However, his instructor had other plans for him.
One day Pierre awoke to find himself sitting on stage in a school cafeteria. Oh, and there were 120 eager elementary school children staring at him wondering at his outlandish appearance. Being the mischievous young fellow that he was, Pierre waltzed off to the kitchen looking for something oily to eat. When David heard a scream from the lunch ladies he knew right away who was behind the uproar. Ever since that day, David gets the children in the front row to help keep an eye on that rascally Pierre.