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Safe in the Harbour
CD $15.00This is the latest addition to David’s growing collection of Maritime songs. What makes this project different from his last Maritime CD is there is a real mix of traditional and contemporary songs. There are also two commissioned works that David has written commemorating the 150th anniversary of the construction of two Boston built Clipper Ships. David is especially excited about the new collaboration with Texas-based ‘cellist, Max Dyer. And of course the continued partnership with Kent Allyn and David Surette. Special appearance by the CedarHouse Boys is a rather inviting addition. All of these songs tell a story about a time in history to which David feels a direct connection. As a Maritime educator performing in schools David is constantly looking for “gems” that bring the history to life. Here is just a sampling. I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to email me with questions and/or comments. dcoffin@davidcoffin.com www.davidcoffin.com
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